Mesh Integration MasterClasses

Hair Closures UK are now going worldwide offering a mesh integration masterclass.

Full training kit provided including closure, weft, mesh, pulling needle, PU material, micro rings, nano rings, hair thread, scissors, and a training manual

Learn a different technique where you don’t have to take the system apart every time you offer a maintenance.

Offer a different way that’s much more cost effective for your clients.

We can supply you with the hair and all the materials you need and on going support after your training class!

  • Do you not offer mesh integration?
  • Are you looking at expanding your client base?
  • Are you turning away clients with thin and fine hair and you can’t currently help them?

If so then this is the class for you!

You will need to have sew-in weave hair extension experience to book on this course or have a bit of knowledge or training in the mesh integration system – it’s only a one day course so lots of information to take in and we want to make sure you gain all the skills possible.

Gemma will be here to guide you every step of the way and offer on going support after the day’s course!

Our products are selling around the world so why not teach everyone how to use them?

We are now taking bookings for the following courses –

6th August 2024 – UK (Plymouth)

18th November 2024 – Canada (Toronto)

6th January 2025 – New Zealand (Auckland)

TBC – USA (register your interest here)

Book your place today!

Click on the ‘Book your place’ button to secure your place on the training course near you.

Are you based in a country where they don’t offer mesh integration?

If so, contact us and we can arrange a course in your country! We are only English speaking so all students will need to speak English.